HPD Violations New York City

How to Clear NYC Property Violations

The Housing and Planning Department (HPD) may pursue legal action against a property if it has a history of accumulating unresolved infractions. Alternatively, the property may be included in the Alternative Enforcement Program (AEP) or the Proactive Preservation Initiative (PPI). These law enforcement methods could lead to liens or judgments being filed against the property.

Taking Care of HPD Violations in New York City

How a violation is cleared will be decided based on how quickly an owner corrects a violation. In every instance, the property registration must be up to date.

Compliance with HPD Violations and Certification of Their Correction

After receiving a violation, property owners and managers can certify online or by mail that the conditions that caused the infraction have been remedied. Different transgression classifications result in varying amounts of time until certification is revoked.

Class A: Fix in three months

Class B: Make the necessary adjustments within a month

Class C — the certification time for most Class C infractions is twenty-four hours, except for lead-based paint, window guards, heat, and hot water.

Using certification, building owners and management agents can certify the repair of HPD infractions in their buildings electronically.

The HPD may inspect the properties to verify that the infractions have been corrected. In the case of offenses that do not involve lead-based paint, the violation will be considered to have been complied with seventy days after HPD has received the certification, provided that no reinspection has been undertaken.

Reissuance of HPD Violations New York City

A one-time issuance of infractions is available through the HPD, provided that the property in question has not been issued any open violations within the previous year and that the property registration is up to date. The owners or authorized agents can fill up the Violation Reissuance Request form, which should be sent to the address listed. If the infraction is allowed to stand, the owners can attest to it by following the above approach. New certification periods will begin when a reissued violation is processed because it is considered a new violation.

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