340 West 12th Street, New York
Type of Property: Townhouse with Carriage House and Garden, circa 1860
Number of Units: 1
Reason for Contacting Citadel Realty Services:
Citadel Realty Services was contacted by a foreign-based Trust Company from the Isle of Jersey, United Kingdom, which had entered a judgment, both here and abroad, against an international financier. 340 West 12th Street was one of the properties seized from the financier after the entry of judgment. The Trust Company hired Citadel Realty to renovate both the Townhouse and Carriage House so that the property could be marketed for rent, with the ultimate goal of selling the property to satisfy the judgment
Our Strategy
We quickly brought in a crew of electricians, plumbers and painters to renovate the property in order to get top dollar for our client.
The End Result:
Citadel Realty Services quickly rented out this magnificent property for a substantial sum, and ultimately sold it for $10.5 million.
Turnaround Time: 3 years